Advertise in Hospitality Today
Hospitality Today magazine
Hospitality Today's unique distribution model reaches some 35,000 hotels, restaurants, inns, B&Bs and guest houses, whose owners personally receive a live link to each issue by email. These emails are sent from their own trade association, from a major credit card processing provider to the hospitality sector, or directly from Special Publishing (our own database includes those who have subscribed at £18 for 9 issues, and hospitality business owners registered as qualifying for complimentary issues).
Hospitality Today offers advertisers stunning graphics, direct links and data collection*, and video on the page*.
*data collection and video subject to technical parameters, and may be charged; ask for details
You can open and read the latest copy from HospitalityToday.com
ADVERTISING RATES - save up to 50%
*Premium position: EG inside front cover (p2) - ask us for details | See ad specifications
Display adverts can include a video player, subject to space, at £75 extra.
*3 for 2 for a series of three or four:
Book a new prepaid series of two to four ads including the next available issue, and get a third off (3 for 2 rate).
50% OFF a series of 5 or more:
Book a new prepaid series of five or more ads including the next available issue, and get a 50% discount on the single ad rate. Email us for details.
VIDEO ADVERTS from £199 :
Video-only ads are available - scroll down the page or click here.
'NEWS FROM SUPPLIERS' editorial-style promotional slots:
From only £175 - scroll down the page or click here.
Above: Hospitality Today offers advertisers stunning graphics, video on the page, one-click reader response, 100% targeting, and compelling content
Media Card and Editorial Features 2017 - 2018
For details of our planned editorial features and advertising opportunities, read or download our printer-friendly Media Card below:
Media Card & Features List 2017-18   
(PDF file, 1 page, 1.2mb)

Your VIDEO can auto-play on the page, to every reader:
Above: your video ad can automatically play as soon as each reader turns to that page.
(No artwork or design costs: simply give us your video file or a link to it; most main video file formats accepted, max. 25mb.)
Video ad rates:
"Bronze" package: single column size, plays if reader clicks ad: £199
"Silver" package: single column size, auto-playing: £299
"Gold" package: double column size, auto-playing: £399
[Above prices based on video being live for minmim of 4 weeks. Duration by negotiation.]
Series discounts: repeat in subsequent issues at 40% discount (60% from 4th issue). Prepayment only.
To discuss your requirements, contact us at advertise@specialpublishing.com

editorial-style promotional slots:
We carry regular "News from Suppliers" pages which are an ideal showcase for your latest news and products. Simply supply us with copy, an image and links and we design the page.
The space and repro is chargeable based on £175 per sixth page, pro-rata, with discounts available for larger spaces and series bookings - to discuss your requirements, contact us at advertise@specialpublishing.com

'Package' campaigns across HT and our other media can be tailored to your requirements - email us for details.
Opportunities for sponsorship/branding are also available within the emails sent by Special Publishing direct to Hospitality Today readers - contact us for more details.

Next Issues - Schedule:
Issues are published quarterly:
for full details see our Media Card & Features List 2017-18.

Mechanical specifications for ads:
We welcome display adverts supplied to us in pdf format (150 dpi preferred), to the following sizes, based on our page size of A4 vertical:
Full page: size 210mm wide x 297mm high
Half page: (horizontal) size 210mm wide x 148.5mm high
Quarter page: (vertical) size 105mm wide x 148.5mm high
Double page spread: (two A4 verticals) size 420mm wide x 297mm high
Video players: supply as video files, max 25mb. Most standard formats supported. We will position the video player within your display ad at the production stage. An additional charge applies (see rates above).

For the full range of advertising opportunities in all our media, go to our Advertising information page.

Our advertising rates are based on payment in advance of publication.
Payment can be made by BACS, by credit or debit card, by PayPal, or by cheque - see our Payment page for details and to make instant online secure payment.
To discuss your requirements and any of the advertising opportunities above,
contact us at advertise@specialpublishing.com

Sponsorship is also available for filmed features on our web TV channel, HospitalityToday.TV - this is flexible, and we can even create content to suit an advertiser's requirements: read more...

Special Publishing Ltd.
Registered in England No. 3217188
Our current and recent advertisers include: